tirsdag 5. januar 2010

Heeeeelllaaaaauw you!

Today me and my friend, Kamilla made each our own blog! How AAWWESOmeeeee is that? Well, It is pretty awesome! Every Monday evening we go to Elixia to dance Afrodance. There we learn some killer moves, and if you are interested we can teach you!
Remeber!! It is important to stay in shape! ;)

Today, after school! Me, Kamilla and our awwesome friend Tiril are going to our favourite café called Stockfleth's. Here they have the best Coffee EVAAHH! You have to taste it!

Well that's all i got for now! If you like what you have just read, then pleeeeaaaaseee continue to read my aawwwesomeee blog! You can not find any other blog that is more aaaweeesomeeee than this, because this one is the most awesomenes of the awsomenest blog in the whole wide world!

Take care, Teddybear...if you dare...I don't care!

1 kommentar:

  1. This blog is aaaawesome! I'll read it every single time you post something new! I'm looking forward to next monday, AFROOOOO! hihi!
